Not-Quite-Logo in JavaScript

Posted at 6:02 pm on March 1st, 2009

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Sorry, guys, I kind of jumped the gun on this one. I decided that what I posted here earlier, I’m actually not ready to share yet. Heh.

However, you can check out this better implementation by someone smarter than me:

4 Responses

  1. sean said:

    My experience with turtle tracks was short-lived back in grammar school math class. I can't remember much about it, but this post encouraged me to look it up and it has jogged my memory. I look forward to seeing what you're up to.

    March 2nd, 2009 at 9:22 am
  2. Hey, Sean, good to hear from you. The thing I wrote is in identity crisis. Although it looks superficially like Logo, it lacks some key similarities with Lisp that are fundamental to it "really" being Logo. It would more accurately be called "Thomas' recollection of Logo from third grade." So right now I'm doing more research, and pondering whether to call it something different, or change how it works, or both, or neither.

    March 2nd, 2009 at 11:07 am
  3. Dang, and here I was looking at your page, thinking "a generic asynchronous execution model for JavaScript? this guy is smarter than I am!"

    (For my Applesoft BASIC interpreter I just execute statements in batches since they are necessarily constrained, and just have to deal with simulating blocking I/O. I haven't gotten around to considering what to do for Logo yet.)

    April 13th, 2009 at 3:56 pm
  4. To those following comments on this post, but not entries on the site, here's the latest:

    November 19th, 2009 at 1:05 pm

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